A balanced noble bouquet, excellent balance and excellent synergy with milk. The best option for coffee for every day: calm and at the same time rich and multifaceted.
Flavor profile: balanced coffee with a rounded body and notes of apple, black pepper, chocolate, dark berries and spices.
About the country of growth
Colombia is the world's third largest producer of coffee and the world's second largest producer of Arabica grown on the slopes of the Andes. The main regions are Armenia, Medellin, Tolima, Caldas, Kindia, Cauca, Popayan, Narinho, Huila, Antioquia. The climate in the lowland areas is humid tropical, in the mountains at an altitude of more than 1200 meters above sea level, the daytime temperature varies from 18 to 24 °C. The rainy season lasts from April to July and from October to November. The soils are rich in minerals, volcanic.
The uniqueness of the climate lies in the fact that coffee trees do not require artificial dimming. Clouds appear almost every day after lunch, forming a natural shadow, which allows coffee beans to fully develop. And if you also take into account the heights of the mountains on the slopes of which coffee is grown, the mountainous landscape, fertile soil, sufficient rainfall, and the traditionally high coffee cultivation culture in the region, then you can evaluate the result in a cup.
About the cooperative
This coffee is from the eastern Caldas municipality of Manzanares, namely from such areas as Veredas, Palmichar, Santa Barbara, La Yunion, Parte alte di Yanadas. 62% of the farmers in Caldas are smallholders with an area of less than 1.5 hectares, 34% with an area of 1.5 to 10 hectares. Only 4% of farmers have a land area of more than 10 hectares.
Coffee is grown at an altitude of 1650-1800 meters above sea level. 70% is a kind of castillo, 30% is a caturra. Coffee is harvested in April — July and in October — December. After depulpation, the grains in the parchment shell are sent for fermentation for 14-18 hours, after which they are washed with water. Drying is carried out on the patio.
Video about the country where coffee grows - Colombia
The taste profile of coffee created in accordance with the phenomenon of synesthesia
Packing, grinding and storage of coffee
Packing options: 250 grams, 1 kilogram and in drip bags. We can grind coffee for any brewing method, just check the Grind checkbox and select the grind size for your brewing method.
Store the coffee beans in a dry place without direct sunlight and grind immediately before cooking. It is best in our zip-fastener pack or in a jar with a vacuum function. Remember: oxygen is the main enemy of coffee, especially if it is ground in advance. If you are going away for a long time, coffee can be frozen once in the freezer.
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Не одна я познакомилась с брендом через Яндекс лавку, тогда только появилась кофемашина, хотелось зерна поинтереснее
И как раз там я купила Восток, который понравился настолько, что нашла оф сайт и пошла пробовать другое разное, но так вышло, что Восток так и остался в любимчиках - в меру плотный, специевый, согревающий. Я пью с молоком - отлично и латте, и флэт, и прочее.
С Eastbrew познакомилась через Яндекс Лавку, заказала Восток 1 .. насыщенный отличный кофе, варю в керамической турке. Дальше пришла напрямую в Eastbrew, заказываю этот же кофе на сайте, с доставкой в кофейню на Котельнической набережной. Кофе радует! Цена - качество на высоте